Have you ever thought to yourself "it sure would be nice to have some line thickness" when doing a 2D Linear Takeoff in QTO? Well, just like magic there are two ways to assign some thickness to your Linear takeoff lines.
Method 1: Global Linear Thickness
First is through the global setting that you would assign at the start of a takeoff (does not work well on existing lines though). This allows you to set a global thickness for all of the Linear takeoff items that you place in your sessions going forward.
To change the settings:
Edit Pulldown -> Settings
Select Takeoff and change the default thickness for Linear Takeoff as needed.
Keep in mind this only remains for the QTO session and will need to be set again. It also does not affect items that have already be placed in your session.
Method 2: Individual Linear Thickness:
Method 2 allows you to assign your line thickens to the individual takeoff items from the Takeoff Palette. I actually prefer this method because it give you a little more control over the width of the line and you can put this information your QTO Catalog, but it might require a little more setup.
Find your Linear item that you want to change the Thickness for, Right-click and select Properties.
Then assign an actual Thickness (for example 4" for a for 4" wall) and make sure to change the Unit from FT to IN, otherwise you might end up with a really wide wall.
Now the new Thickness is assigned to the Linear takeoff. You could essentially repeat this process for the remainder of your Linear takeoff items and vary the thickness as needed.